Frequently Asked Question
600 Control Will Not Count
Last Updated 11 months ago
A. Defective encoder
- Check to see if the four wires coming from the encoder (white, brown, gray, and green) are not loose from the connector on the inverter interface.
- 2. If wires are not loose, ensure that connector is not loose from the inverter interface.
B. Defective inverter interface
- If “FORWARD” or “REVERSE LED” still do not illuminate. By using a meter and placing one meter lead on the terminal with the brown wire and the other lead on the terminal with either the gray or greens wire, by moving the conveyor by hand the meter should read 0-12VDC as the conveyor moves.
- If the meter reads 0-12VDC with the conveyor moving, then the inverter interface might need to be replaced.
If the meter does not read 0-12VDC then the encoder might need to be replaced.
C. Defective 600 Control
If the encoder and the inverter interface check out then check cable connection between 600 Control and inverter interface. If cable is not problem then 600 Control might need to be replaced.